Elders - Part 2

January 30, 2022 Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: 1 Timothy

Topic: Elders Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:1-7

 Distinctions between the church and a business-Church leadershipis not the same as worldy leadership.

Two most important things a church can vote on-

1. Members

2. Leaders

Put people into place that guards & protects the truth of God's Word.

The book of Jude carries warnings & wisdom to watch out for false teachers.


1. Must be above reproach - Dan 6:4, 1Tim5:7

2. Must be a husband of one wife.

“The phrase ‘the husband of one wife’ is meant to be a positive statement that expresses faithful, monogamous marriage. In English, we would say, ‘faithful and true to one woman’ or ‘a one-woman man.’” - Tim Challies

 "Paul wants the leaders of the church to be living examples of biblical marriage: one man and one woman in a love covenant for life.” - Philip Ryken

“In conjunction with the requirement that overseers be “above reproach” (which includes community reputation), it may often be preferable not to appoint divorcees to the role of overseer, especially when other qualified candidates are available that have not been divorced.” - Andreas Kostenberger

3. Must be sober-minded

4. Must be self controlled

5. Must be respectable

6. Must be hospitable- Kindness, love towards strangers Rom 12:13, 1Peter 4:9

"Bishops were hospitable men, who were always glad to welcome God’s servants into their homes without hypocrisy. And the bishops always sheltered the needy and widows through their ministry without ceasing.” - Shepherd of Hermas

7. Must be able to teach 1Cor 1:7 This is gifted by God

8 Must not be a drunkard

9. Must not be violent- but gentle both physically and verbally

10. Must not be quarrelsome

 “Paul is calling for a magnanimity that rules out quick-tempered, mercurial reactions. But, he by no means rules out the leadership steel and strategies that may be necessary to “fight the good fight of the faith” and to “reprove, rebuke, and exhort.” -Robert Yarborough

11. Must not be a lover of money

12. Mustmanage his home well

13. Must not be a recent convert

14. Must be thought of well by outsiders


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