The True and Better

May 1, 2022 Preacher: Caleb Bunch Series: Limited Edition

Topic: Jesus

Jesus Christ. He is Prophet, Priest, and King.

- Prophet - Someone who speaks on God's behalf, telling the people God's will for       them

 how is office used in OT: deliver God's word faithfully to the people of Israel

Moses - Primary role: Reveal God's requirements (His Law) to people of Israel -   Numbers 12:6-8

Elijah - Calling Israel to repentance - Malachi 4:4-6

John the Baptist - The final OT prohpet. He is the 2nd Elijah. He pointed the people to Christ - Matt 11:13-15

Jesus - the greater of all the prophets. The final word of God - Matthew 11:11; 17:5

           Matthew 17:5 God speaks:  'this is my beloved son. Listen to Him"

- Priest - Goes to God on behalf of the people

How is office used in the OT: teach the people of Israael and lead them in sacrificial

worship of God. Especially on day of atonement Leviticus 16:34; 17:11

Jesus - The great high priest. The lamb of God who takes the sin of the world

           John 1:29

 Christ's sacrifice actually forgives sin, permanently - Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews8:6

What does this mean for you: We have a great high priest who saves us from our sins Hebrews 10:19-23

- King - Leads the people by protecting them from harm externally and internally

First king, Adam failed us - Genesis 1:28

The duties of the king is to know , love and fear God, follow his law and  humbly serve his kingdom.

David was best example of this. However, most of the kings of Israel failed to shepherd

God's people.

Jesus - lead by humble example. He gave up the riches of Heaven to serve his people.

All authority has been given to me - Matthew 28:18; 27:11

Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, and the the Lord God (the Father) will reign forever and forever - Revelation 22:1-5

What does this mean for You: for those in Christ, Jesus restored Hhis people to God. Jesus is the way. Jesus is your king, not you. Now you live for Christ's service.  


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