Philippians 2

When you consider the fact that Jesus came down to live among us, what do you think about? Do you think about his great love for us? Do you think about his mercy and grace that he has toward us? These are all wonderful things to meditate on because they are all true, but how many times do we think about the deep humility of Christ by adding a human nature to himself? Philippians 2 paints a vivid picture that portrays the deep humility of Christ. Paul shows us that Christ was in glory, he was in eternity, he was in need of nothing, but instead of staying in that, Christ decided to come down to add a human nature to himself. If you and I were in heaven right now I highly doubt that there would be one ounce of desire to come back to earth, but that is exactly what Christ did. He was in glory, and he left that to come live among his creation. On top of that he didn’t just live among his creation, but he was mistreated, beaten, and crucified by his creation. Jesus at any moment could have destroyed this world by one word that he spoke, but he let himself be killed. When you think about all of this, there is a pure and deep humility that can be seen in Jesus that is unmatched. Jesus in all his humility went through all of this because he regarded our interest far above his own. Even though we do not seek out salvation by our own means Jesus knows what we need the most, and that is why he gave up his own life. The gospel is the biggest picture of humility that we will ever experience in our life. The picture of Jesus Christ, one person of the Godhead coming to die for people that he created. How should that encourage us?

Well, this theological truth of the humility of Christ should help us strive for humility in our walks. We live in a time and country that makes us feel entitled. We think we deserve everything we desire, when someone gets our order wrong, we immediately want to see a manager. When we are at the store we want to jump in front of the line because we think our time is more valuable than others. We get mad in traffic because we think we own the streets and that they should just be for us. There are a million things that we feel prideful and entitled about but at the end of the day who are we to think we always deserve the best treatment and for people to bow down to our every desire. Jesus, the creator of this world humbled himself and did not have an entitled mindset even though he is the only one who would rightfully be able to feel entitled. He regarded the interest of others far above his own and that is true humility. So, are you regarding the interest of others far above your own? Are you laying down your rights and benefits to serve others? Do you see the gospel as a picture of humility that you need to emulate? When considering the humility of Christ, I know that I have not been doing this faithfully and I pray the Lord gives me eyes to consider the humility of Christ found in the gospel so that I can regard the interest of others far above my own. I pray he does the same for you.